Make sure your water line does not freeze, there are a few simple steps you can follow here.
- Wrap your water line with Aluminum foil.
- Insert the water hose line into split foam tubes and run the heat tape line inside against the foil wrapped water line to ensure heat induction.
- Keep adding sections of foam tubing, your water hose and the heat tap until you have a long enough section.
- Duct tape all the seams of the foam tube.
- Feed the tubing up into the water compartment and attach to another hose with a pressure regulator in between the two hoses.
- Turn on the water and check for leaks at both ends.
- Finish wrapping the foil around the water outlet and the parts of the water outlet that are too big for the foam tubing, you can use foil tape.
- Hook up a thermostat cord into good working 3 prong extension cord that is made for RV power.
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